As you may have noticed from the last several shots, I've been using a Canon Rebel XTi instead of my trusty Fuji S2 Pro. This has led to rumors of infidelity amongst my camera gear and I want to get things all out in the open to dispel some of the more nasty things being said.
Said by this little camera:
The XTi was not mine, true. I was using another person's DSLR and for that I apologize. I love my S2 very much, but it just isn't enough for me. Nikon just doesn't make a lens that lets me get a picture like this:
Sooooo, after much soul searching (and occasionally dusting off the S2), I decided to order an XTi of my own. Thanks to Adorama, I was able to find one for SUPER cheap and it should be here sometime next week.
Now I have to start buying lenses. Anyone have a winning lottery ticket to spare?

3 Reply to "New Camera GET!"
Sarah on August 23, 2008 at 7:41 PM
I think Adam's going to have some words with you about the Nikon hate.
El Dave on August 23, 2008 at 7:57 PM
There's no hate. Nikon just doesn't satisfy me like Canon can.
Unknown on August 23, 2008 at 11:11 PM
Nikon makes a fine lens. can't deny that. But the camera bodies.... both nikon and canon drive me crazy. They go to great lengths to do EVERYTHING the opposite of each other. WHY???? why not work together. sigh.
new camera! YAY!
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