No one can hear you... well, you know.
Picked this one up in the 4 loose figures for $10 bins at Quake Collectibles. I've had my eye out for him in the, what, 7 years since he was first released and was very excited when April held it up and asked if I wanted it.
As you can see, Alien Spawn is slightly transparent and that face is just so gruesome! I could definitely handle having more figures like this in my collection.
Alien Spawn (I guess mine was a green variant) was produced by McFarlane Toys and released in February 2002.
Be good,
Don't forget to remember
The devil's got pills in his eyes

Starscream: "Don't push me, Megatron, my desire for power is as great as yours!"
Megatron: "Power flows to the one who knows how. Desire alone is not enough."
I've been playing a lot with light lately. I'm the first to say that I'm no expert; in fact it takes me forever to get the settings right on my camera. My memory stick is FULL of under- or overexposed images with a small percentage actually turning out the way I want.
One of the first lessons I was taught was to never shoot into the sun/light source, and for a long time I followed that rule religiously. Even going so far as repeating it to myself when I'm taking pictures. Now that I've begun breaking this rule, I'm realizing just how limited I was. With this, I stood the figures in the light, pointed the lens directly at the sun outside the window and snapped the shot.
Amazing what you can learn from the little things.
Starscream and Megatron are Revoltechs, produced by Kaiyodo.
Be good,
I been programed as I said before